2014-01-10 Don't wanna say goodbye.


It has been 3 months passed by since I finished my dissertation. There were changes happened during these days. I moved out from Sheffield to Southampton, received my academic result, sought for jobs, went travel to Spain, Portugal and Paris and worried about being stopped from entering into UK. However, I have to acknowledge that I was not really active on finding a job in UK although I do really want to stay here. Anyway, it is too late to say anything, my visa is going to expire after one week and I have to go back to Taiwan. I hate myself as I always want an easy life which the thought usually prevents me from trying my best.

One of the things that delighted me during these days should be the people. I have been stayed with my sister for three months. It was really good to have her company and we took care of each other although there were some quarrels and the living area was actually small for two people. It was also good to meet Sarah, Peter, Natalie and Selina. At least, I will think of them when I think of Southampton. I also have to say that the city development of Southampton is greater than Sheffield. However, people in Southampton are not as friendly as in Sheffield, and not like the tram system in Sheffield, it is really inconvenient to live in Southampton without a car.

Few days ago, I received a call from Magic which he told me that he was already in the Heathrow Airport and was picking up Rickey there. I am so happy that my friends are all coming back for the graduation ceremony. Alex will arrive after 4 hours; Crystal and Ilkin will arrive tomorrow. It is really nice that I can meet my friends and I just feel that all the memories in Sheffield are coming back. It seems like we are going to the lectures together again! Nevertheless, I understand that we still have to leave each other after one week, as well as leave UK. I am really sad about this. Actually, I have been away from home for one and half year but I still don't want to go back to Taiwan. I feel free here and I like travel. Taiwan always makes me feel pressure, especially when I have to social with my relatives and some nodding acquaintances, which makes me ill.

Alright, I couldn't change anything now and what I can do is only to face it and try to make it better, maybe by finding a good job and earn money to go back to UK again.
Time's up and I have to prepare to leave Southampton, then leave Sheffield and leave UK. What a sadness schedule!

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